I used to be a serious comic book
collector, and I could rattle off information about Uncanny X-Men and the New
Mutants (vol. 1) or just about any other Marvel Comics’ character. I’m that annoying guy who can tell you the
entire history of the most obscure character in the X-Men with barely a pause
to catch my breath. I am THAT guy! However, I am also the guy who got fed up
with the constant reboots and resurrections and foolishness that has become the
hallmark of recent comics and quit collecting comics all together. Given that pedigree, I’d like to discuss one
of the best gaming comics that I’ve ever read, Knights of the Dinner
Table. Knights of the Dinner Table
follows the often hilarious exploits of Brian, Sara, Dave, Bob, and their Game
Master, B.A and their characters the Untouchable Trio Plus One. For most of you, no further introduction is
needed, but for those of you who don’t know the greatness of the Knights, then
I suggest you get over to Kenzer & Co.’s website or DriveThruRPG and get
some issues. You can also read a quick
synopsis of the series on Wikipedia or on TV Tropes.
Rather than just talk about the
comic itself, I think there are a number of les sons that can be learned from
reading through a satire of our hobby.
While KODT pokes fun at gamers and gaming, and even takes a few cruel
shots at LARPers and Vampire the Masquerade players, I noticed several lessons
that any player or Storyteller could take away from the antics of B.A. and the
other Knights along with the rest of gamers in Muncie, Indiana. I’m going to discuss five positive lessons
and five negative lessons I’ve noticed coming up repeatedly in KODT.
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Cover to issue 150 |
Five Positive Lessons I Learned From KODT
1. Say “Yes, and…”
Bob, and Dave are a Game Master’s worst nightmare. They wreck adventures before B.A. can even
get to the hook. As soon as an NPC is
introduced, Bob and Dave are planning his/her demise, even if that NPC is
integral to the plot, but B.A. doesn’t panic or railroad his players. Instead, he rolls with it and reacts to what
his players have done rather than trying to force them back on the path. The best example of this is when B.A.
purchased The Orcs at the Gate Campaign Module where the PCs were supposed to
be guests in the king’s court before they are asked to help settle a dispute
with invading orcs. When Dave, Bob and
Brian decided to turn the banquet into a blood bath, B.A. explains what the
consequences will be and tries to dissuade the group. Nevertheless, Bob fires his crossbow at the
King and Dave and Brian begin slaughtering the King’s Guard. Things don’t play out as the module required,
but the players still had fun and played their sociopathic characters to the
2. Community
often, gaming groups are insulated from each other; they exist in their own
space and even other gamers have a hard time joining in. Often, you don’t even know that others are
playing an RPG or what game they are playing, but in KODT’s fictional Muncie,
Indiana, all the various groups know each other and share information about
their campaigns. Whether they are
meeting at Weird Pete’s Game Pit to buy books playing in tournaments against
each other. The various Game Masters
come together frequently to share stories and much to the chagrin of their
players, share ideas on how to create better adventures and more difficult
challenges. Players try new games
together, such as Weird Pete’s Fairy Meat miniatures game or share time between
groups such as when B.A. is out of town and other GMs, like Weird Pete or Nitro,
step in and run an adventure for the Knights.
The various female characters have a Ladies of Hack group that meets
frequently to game without the boys. The
Knights, the Black Hand and the other groups of Muncie don’t role play in a vacuum. They are part of a greater community of
3. Everyone Is Invited to Play
the early issues of Knights of the Dinner Table, the reader is introduced to
Crutch, a convicted felon trying to better his life, when the Black Hand Gaming
Society, another group of gamers who play in the back room of Weird Pete’s
shop, visit Hawg Wallers, the local dive bar, to play a game of
CattlePunk. Crutch asks to join in and
eventually gets invited to play HackMaster.
However, he has trouble finding a group because of his background and
his penchant for attacking and killing PCs for no reason (something he learned
from watching The Black Hands play). B.A.
promise to help find Crutch a group, and even though it’s difficult, B.A.
persists until Crutch finds a table to call home with Patty’s Perps who take
him under their wing and teach the “right” way to role play. Later, when Bob’s Dad, Mr. Herzog, loses a bet to Weird Pete, Weird Pete sets up
a Cattlepunk game so that Mr. Herzog can see why his son likes role playing so
much. Bob’s Dad has lamented the fact
that his son wastes so much time on games.
Although Mr. Herzog doesn’t play any after that one shot, he does enjoy
himself. Later still, Bob introduces his
niece and nephew to role playing by running them through B.A.’s game DAWG: The
RPG. The Knights and the other groups
never waste an opportunity to grow their community and bring new gamers into
the fold.
4. Explore New Genres and New Systems
Knights of the Dinner Table most of the groups play Hackmaster, a satire of AD&D
2e, that emphasizes the use of tables and stacking modifiers. Most sessions revolve around dungeon delves
or fighting through random encounters on the way to a dungeon. However, the Knights and other groups also
play a variety of other games. SpaceHack
is a scifi themed RPG based around a mix of shows and movies such as Star Wars
and Star Trek along with games like Traveler.
Cattlepunk is a Wild West themed game where the players typically find
new and inventive ways to kill each other with nitroglycerin. Hacknoia is a modern day game based on TSR’s
Top Secret which focuses on spying and espionage. The various groups of Muncie are always
trying new genres and new games.
Sometimes they even play board games like Risque (Risk) or Island of
Kataan (Settlers of Catan). While
Hackmaster may be the game of choice, the players try new things
constantly. They realize how quickly a
GM or player could burn out if only one game is played. The groups change genres and systems
frequently so that burnout is avoided.
5. Improve Your Gaming Skills
in hand with trying a new system is the desire to improve your skill as either
a player or Game Master. The Knights are
always trying to improve themselves. All
of the players step behind the screen a few times and try their hand at running
a game. Dave who is completely new makes
a lot of rookie mistakes, but never stops trying. Brian who is an old hand as GM runs a few
sessions to keep from getting rusty and maintain his Game Master certification.
(Yes, that’s a thing.) Sara is always
willing to try new games and wants to force the boys out of their usual roles
even forcing them to play female characters once. (The story of Bobarello wasn’t pretty.) Bob runs a few games for his niece and
nephew. B.A. is always trying to improve
his Game Mastering skills by buying new books, going to seminars, and using his
Mom’s credit card to buy the best modules.
The entire group has been to various seminars that teach the minutiae of
HackMaster such as speaking Orc or Elven or dungeon ecology and design. Every player and GM wants to improve and be
the best thief, fighter, or GM around.
The Five Things I Learned Not to Do from KODT
1. Playing the Same Character Over and Over and Over and Over
HackMaster, Player Characters can set up legacies and entire family lines of
characters that receive XP and wealth from the primary character. Bob plays Knuckles, the King of the Wall
Crawlers. Well actually he plays
Knuckles the VIII or maybe the IX. It’s
hard to remember at this point since every character he has played is a
variation on the same Dwarf Thief that he’s been playing since the start of the
comic. Brian is actually worse because
pretty much every character that he plays is a member of the Dwarven Lotus
family. From Black Lotus, his most
infamous character, to Burgundy Lotus, one of the many, many, many Battle Mages
that followed in his legacy, Brian has abused the Legacy System in HackMaster
so that he never has to play a 1st level character again. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve played a
plethora of Toreadors over the years, but despite my fondness for that clan, I
try my best to expand beyond that one clan and try new and different
things. Something that B.A. and Sara
have been trying to get Brian, Dave, and Bob to do for years.
2. The Rules Are Not a Suicide Pact
a Rules Lawyer in your group can be both a benefit and bane for Game Masters
and Storytellers. They point out the
rules and save you time looking up the rules, but just as frequently, they have
selective memories when the rules don’t benefit them. Brian, of course, is the king of the rules
lawyers and will bend and twist every rule to the breaking point so long as it
benefits him. Just as badly is that the
Knights play rules as written, and only allow HackMaster approved errata for
their games. So if a rule is poorly
written or if there is a typo, then the players and GM are bound to follow
those rules. The best example is the
Doomsday Pack catastrophe when the players abused the rules for the availability
of untrained pit bull in towns and bought hundreds of them and unleashed them
upon their enemies. The blowback from
this doomed the campaign world when the pit bulls went out of control and
destroyed or devoured everything in their path.
Most RPG rules have a section on “Rule Zero” which states that the rules
aren’t set in stone and the GM or Storyteller should feel free to alter the
rules where and when he/she sees fit so that everyone can have fun. It exists for this very reason; rules lawyers
will abuse any rule they can find.
3. It’s Just a Game
in the Knights has a temper, and when things go bad, the table gets
flipped. Usually it’s Brian who reaches
the breaking point and flips the table on top of B.A., Bob, Dave, and Sara. A lesser attack is when B.A. finally succeeds
and defeats the Untouchable Trio Plus One and starts to gloat. His reward for gloating is to be hog-tied,
blindfolded, and hung upside down until the ferocious housecat Colonel Prowler
comes to torture him. I’ve actually seen
a table flip in real life. It wasn’t
because of something that happened in an RPG; it was a board game. Hang out at a game store long enough and some
fool is going to start a fight over a board game or an RPG. It’s just a game, and in games it’s important
to be a good winner and a good loser. Don’t
taunt the other players and don’t flip the table!
4. Don’t Be an Antagonist
Nitro, and Weird Pete and all the other game masters in Muncie approach GMing
as a war to be fought against the players.
It’s not their fault; the HackMaster Game Master Guide tells them
that. Even the Player’s Guide reinforces
this idea: the GM is the enemy and he is
out to get you! The GMs get together
frequently and share stories of how they killed a PC or got the better of their
players. The players are just as
bad. They assume every NPC is looking to
screw them over. They trust no one and
kill everything that stands between them and their EP’s and GP’s. Both sides take this philosophy and their
games suffer because of it. Sessions
devolve into nonstop one-upmanship with Brian arguing over every rule and Bob
and Dave slaughtering every NPC in their path.
B.A. responds with grudge monsters because he gets upset that his
adventure has gone down the drain. Worse
yet, B.A. may respond by increasing the number of traps as in the “Night of a
Thousand Pit Traps.” The GM as an
antagonist is the old school way of running an RPG and a holdover from 1st
Edition D&D. I hope that most GMs
and Storytellers have moved beyond this philosophy, but I’ve heard some stories
that some GMs still run like this.
5. Your Character Is More than His Ability Scores
the olden days, when you were building a character, you rolled 3D6 down the
line. No rerolls, no extra dice,
nothing, but what you rolled. Classes had minimum requirements. Just to be a Fighter you had to have a 9 STR
and may the gods help you if wanted to play a Paladin! B.A. usually let the players roll their new
character at home because character creation would cut into game time. Bob, Brian, Dave and Sara all took advantage
of that to roll endless series of stats for characters, discarding what they
didn’t like and keeping what they wanted.
Dave had an endless series of Fighters with 18/76 Strength. Bob rarely showed up to the table with a
character with an ability score less than 16.
(The dice were hot that night!) Any
background or character history served only as an excuse to explain the various
abilities players wanted for their PC. Brian
is on record as saying that a background only serves to leverage arguments with
the GM during the game. As a fan of
Storyteller games, I try my best to discourage this behavior, but I still see
it in Vampire the Masquerade and other games.
I hope this mentality is on the way out.
of the Dinner Table is a great comic because we can sympathize with the
characters. I can see a lot of myself in
B.A. and his desire to build better adventures for his players. I know rules lawyers like Brian. I’ve been Dave from time to time and hacked
and slashed my way through a session.
Going back and re-reading the back issues of KODT has been so much fun
and was the inspiration for this article.
More than just a comic, it’s a magazine full of advice and ideas for
gamers. Also, for fans of the SpoonyExperiment, Noah Antwiler had a series of articles where we reviewed movies called
A Gamer’s Rant on Movies starting in issue 97.
exists as a history of all those old school gaming stereotypes that have fallen
away as RPGs have advanced. The satire
in KODT rings so true because we know people like Bob and Dave and Sara. We’ve met Weird Pete and Nitro down at the
game store. We’ve hung out and listened
to a stranger talk endlessly about his favorite character or that time he stole
a gem from an unwitting dragon’s hoard.
KODT still has lessons to teach us.
And if you know a new gamer, point them toward KODT. It’s available for sale on the Kenzer &Co. website or DriveThruRPG.
Nice post, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Deletei really liked the post. it was on the spot.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
DeleteI have much love for the Knight, and you really caught the heart of it. I've got to throw this in this week's roundup on my gaming blog!
ReplyDeleteSend me a link to your blog! I'd love to read it. Thanks for reading!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteComment didn't come out, apologies. The post went up this morning at
Thanks so much! I really appreciate you adding my article to your post! I can't wait to read your blog! Thanks again!
DeleteIt's been awhile since I've read KotDT. Definitely due for a revisit. Nice list of good and bad aspects of roleplaying, too.
ReplyDeleteAlways aim for the Gazebo's eyes!
I've heard you should aim for it's head, that's the weak spot. Strangely it's immune to fire!
DeleteThis is a wonderful write-up. Sorry I didn't see it until now. Both Jolly and myself appreciate it very much.
ReplyDeleteThat comment made my day! Thanks!
DeleteI just found your post and I love it. I picked up KODT in college soon after I got into role-playing. I'll admit, I thought it was over the top, and then I met doppelgangers for Bob, Dave, and Brian. I resolved to be more like Sara, only hopefully less frustrated. I need to pick KODT up again; I last left off when Brian was running the gang through the Old West.
ReplyDeleteI love those strips! Brian was such an infuriatingly good DM/GM.
DeleteSadly, I am the BA of most groups. I run the game and deal with the chaos! Thanks for reading!